A significant part of the American population is aging, and employees have suffered the consequences of age-related discrimination at the workplace across states, including New Jersey. There are state and federal laws that prohibit this, and yet a significant number of cases are reported each year. If you believe you have endured something similar, you must consider meeting New Jersey employment lawyers for a case assessment. For your help, we have discussed a few elements of age discrimination in this post.
The basics
The Employment Act prohibits discrimination against employees and workers who are aged 40 or older. This is a federal law that is applicable to all employers across states. Someone who has suffered such a form of discrimination can file a complaint with the EEOC. In New Jersey, the Law Against Discrimination is meant to protect employees against age discrimination regardless of age. In other words, the scope of this law is broader, prohibiting age-related discrimination against younger employees, too. Expectedly, employers often rely on murky ways to achieve their goals, but there are legal ways of addressing such issues.
You need evidence
As someone who wants to file a complaint related to age discrimination, you must have evidence to prove your allegations. You can start by collecting your performance reports and evaluations for consecutive years, which will show that you have been a performing employee of the company. If you have found comments in emails, notes, and other sources that include negative comments about your age, you can use that evidence, too. Even other employees could be witnesses as they have heard such comments. You may also have evidence to prove that younger people were hired by the company, although it could be a tough nut to crack, especially when your employer has hired someone who is just two or three years younger than you.
Meeting an employment lawyer
Most employment lawyers in NJ will be happy to review the case and check initial facts to give you an assessment. They may guide you on the pros and cons of the circumstances and whether you have a valid argument against the employer. If your case is worth the fight, they will take further steps and may ask for additional details. Be honest and transparent with an employment lawyer so that they determine the ideal strategy to proceed ahead.
Don’t let an employer get away with age discrimination – Every case is worth fighting for!